Valley's Pavlova
Valley’s Pavlova

(6-23-19) Holland’s Jeroen Linneman won the 2019 Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hybridizer Merit Award and with that honor he was allowed to select the companion hosta award winner.

Linneman selected from his line of Valley hostas:

Valley’s Pavlova‘  ((x pycnophylla) x ‘Tequila Sunrise‘) Jeroen Linneman 2015)

red petioles with the color going in to the wavy yellow leaves, pycnophylla genes,  purple scapes and pale lavender flowers

Numerous Valley hostas have been created using ‘pycnophylla‘ and you can see the impact it has in this one-

‘Valley’s Bad Boy’ = ‘Theo’s Blue’ x PP
‘Valley’s Blue Rider’ = longipes x PP
‘Valley’s Blue Wedding’ = ‘Neptune’ x PP
‘Valley’s Cactus Bowl’ = ‘Harry van de Laar’ x PP
‘Valley’s Cathedral’ = PP x ‘Temple Bells’
‘Valley’s Dancing Lady’ seedling
‘Valley’s Iron Lady’ = ‘Captain Teach’ x PP
‘Valley’s Petticoat’ = PP x ‘Riptide’
‘Valley’s Ratatouille’ = ‘Secret Thoughts’ x PP
‘Valley’s Red Raider’ = longipes f. hypoglauca x PP
‘Valley’s Shipwreck’s Cove’ = ‘Mikawa-no-yuki’ x PP
‘Valley’s Wave Ripple’ seedling
‘Valley’s White Beach’ = ‘Mikawa-no-yuki’ x PP

Tequila Sunrise‘ ( ‘Spritzer’ x pycnophylla) Greg Johnson 2004) gives ‘Valley’s Pavlova‘  its yellow leaves and adds another cross of ‘pycnophylla‘  into the mix. Making this a great hosta for anyone’s breeding program.

The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009),

“Since H. pycnophylla is native to only a few Japanese islands, it is remarkable that it has become such an important breeding plant…Traits that H. pycnophylla seedlings exhibit include recumbent scapes, white floral bracts, an intensely white bloom on the leaf underside, and good marginal rippling.”